Wade Younger
Innovative Thinking | Transformation | Technology Trends
Advisor | Speaker | Author
Wade Younger
Innovative Thinking | Transformation | Technology Trends
Advisor | Speaker | Author

Wade Younger
Innovative Thinking | Transformation |
Technology Trends
Advisor | Speaker | Author
Most people live in a perpetual cycle of sameness,
expecting to get different results.
And they call this experience.
Only, it’s not. Experience requires adventure.

Wade’s thought leadership emerges from his ability to practically analyze technology trends and deeply understand human behavior. When it comes to transformation and creating positive future-focused cultures it all comes down to one thing. The way we think.
We have not been taught to think about what we think about. We base our decisions based on our past experiences when what we really need is a map for the future.
Wade challenges the way you think so as to broaden your perspective and develop your innovative thinking.
Wade is a highly experienced keynote speaker, having delivered more than 2,000 keynotes all around the world and to all types of audiences.
His messaging is passionate, practical and backed up by research and over 30 years of experience working with organizations and individuals to enable transformation and develop cultures of innovation.
All his keynotes can also be delivered virtually.

Wade is the author of numerous books and Insight publications and is currently working on his new book on innovative thinking and how to change what we think in order to have a better frame of mind, more clarity, resilience, creativity, grit and produce the results we aim for.
Wade is recognized as one of the foremost authorities on organizational development and process improvement. His books provide insights and practical frameworks that can be applied at all levels and functions within an organization.
What is it about people that have willpower?
What’s the fuel you can’t see?
That fuel is grit.
Grit is an intangible ability to overcome your own mind.
Some have it innately, but it always starts with a thought.
I wanted to thank you again for your workshop today! It was hard to delve that deep into my own emotions…..I feel like it will help me to be a better people manager in the long run.
Wade, thank you for preparing such an engaging and relatable presentation. You’re very comfortable in front of an audience, and knowledgeable on leadership. Your talents really shined! I’m sure that the audience was wowed and that new clients will roll in.
Wade “Coach” speaks with honesty, wit, compassion, and grit. He is too funny! On two separate occasions, I’ve seen him dig deep and share himself in order to guide the audience to their own stillness to hear what was in the message. In walking his talk, Wade offers a fresh approach to managing the difficult phases in life.
Wade, you killed it! What I really appreciated is that it was all useful, amazing, tangible, and inspiring. I feel honored to be there with you stage. Please use me as a reference!
Wade continually reminded attendees that they were at the conference for a reason: their leaders saw value in them, and they should recognize that value. He conveyed the importance of getting rid of unproductive habits that do not support personal needs and goals as well as identifying what needed to be learned to move forward. Wade even scheduled a post-conference check-in call to follow up with attendees on how they’d used some of the skills discussed during the conference….PRICELESS!
Wade speaks from the heart to the heart. I’m a better person and leader because of him.
Wade, you are a very personal and energetic speaker. As I sat in the audience, you made us feel as though we were all longtime friends! Your “Running with Horses” presentation was fun and interactive and left a long lasting impression upon all of us. I heard audience members discussing how they were going to implement the tips and techniques they received from your informative session as they left the banquet hall. We look forward to having you as a continued resource for our events.
Wade, I really enjoyed your talk at the All for One conference. I found myself nodding in agreement with everything you said. It was a fun event and meeting new people and hearing their stories is always deeply interesting to me.
Wade has an uncanny ability to connect with his audience due to his high level of self-awareness, perception, and eloquence. I have never experienced any other speaker prepare for his audience as much as Wade did.
Thank you so much for speaking to our group! I had a feeling from meeting you and talking with you, that the presentation would be excellent, but it was even better than expected! You have a real gift for connecting with an audience and getting your message across. I’ve had employees comment to me before about various programs I’ve brought to the company, but this time must have been a record for the number of folks who told me how valuable your talk was and how they might utilize the points you made about innovation the next time they were called upon to make a presentation.
Wade’s insight into his client’s needs, coupled with his strong desire to help people advance in all facets of their lives, shines through when he speaks to an audience. He is an excellent communicator and a strong speaker.
Today, we have a very high-performing team. We enjoy high morale and little turnover. I don’t believe that would be the case without Wade’s influence and insight. When working with him, you will find Wade to be authentic, knowledgeable, professional, a good listener and personable. His ability to grasp a situation and rapidly assess team dynamics make each of his sessions very effective and often a lot of fun for the participants.